Title |
Agency |
Country/ Local unit |
Authors (main) |
Date of publication |
Language |
The biology of mosquitoes. Vol 1 - Development, Nutrition and Reproduction; Vol 2 - Sensory Reception and Behaviour: Vol 3 - Transmission of Viruses and Interactions with Bacteria |
International |
Clements A.N. |
1992-1999-2011 |
English |
Mosquito ecology. Field sampling methods |
International |
Service M.W. |
1993 |
English |
Udhëzues mbi kontrollin e vektorëve dhe brejtësve në Shqipëri [Vector and rodent control in Albania] |
Institute of Public Health |
Albania |
Velo, E., Rogozi, E. Tafaj. L & Bino S. |
2013 |
Albanian |
Koordination der Überwachung und Bekämpfung der Asiatischen Tigermücke und anderer invasiver gebietsfremder Mücken in der Schweiz / Coordination du contrôle et de la lutte contre le moustique tigre asiatique et d'autres moustiques exotiques invasifs présents en Suisse |
Federal Office for the Environment |
Switzerland |
Engeler L., Suter T., Flacio E., Tonolla M. & Müller P. |
2019 |
French, German |
Aedes albopictus in Deutschland - Aktionsplan für den Umgang mit der Asiatischen Tigermücke [Aedes albopictus in Germany - Action plan for dealing with the Asian tiger mosquito] |
Nationale Expertenkommission „Stechmücken als Überträger von Krankheitserregern“, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut |
Germany |
2016 |
Summary in English
Aedes albopictus in Deutschland - Handlungsbedarf und -optionen im Umgang mit der Asiatischen Tigermücke [Aedes albopictus in Germany – Call for action and options regarding Asian tiger mosquitoes] |
Nationale Expertenkommission „Stechmücken als Überträger von Krankheitserregern“, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut |
Germany |
2016 |
Summary in English
Field sampling methods for mosquitoes, sandflies, biting midges and ticks – VectorNet project 2014–2018 |
International |
Medlock J., Balenghien T., Alten B., Versteirt V. & Schaffner F. |
2018 |
English |
Guidelines for the surveillance of invasive mosquitoes in Europe |
International |
Schaffner F., Bellini R., Petrić D. & E.-J. Scholte |
2012 |
English |
Guidelines for the surveillance of native mosquitoes in Europe |
International |
Schaffner F., Versteirt V. & J. Medlock |
2014 |
English |
Vector control with a focus on Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes: Literature review and analysis |
International |
Bazian Ltd |
2017 |
English |
Field sampling methods for mosquitoes, sandflies, biting midges and ticks – VectorNet project 2014–2018 |
International |
Medlock J., Balenghien T., Alten B., Versteirt V. & Schaffner F. |
2018 |
English |
Guidelines for the control of mosquitoes of public health importance in Europe |
EMCA & WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
Lüthy P., Becker N:, Edjov M. & R. Velayudhan |
2013 |
English |
Avis révisé de l’Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail relatif à « l’analyse de la stratégie de lutte anti-vectorielle (LAV) mise en œuvre à La Réunion depuis 2017 » |
Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (ANSES) |
France |
2018 |
French |
Guide à l'attention des collectivités souhaitant mettre en œuvre une lutte contre les moustiques urbains vecteurs de dengue, de chikungunya et de Zika |
Centre national
d’expertise sur les vecteurs (CNEV) |
France |
Dehecq J.-S., Eritja R., Etienne M., Foussadier R., Jourdain, F. Paupy C., Perrin Y & F. Walicki |
2016 |
French |
Guide relatif aux modalités de mise en œuvre du plan anti-dissémination du chikungunya et de la dengue en métropole |
French Ministry in charge of Health |
France |
2015 |
French |
Σχέδιο διαχείρισης των διαβιβαστών σε περίπτωση κρούσματος Δάγκειου πυρετού, λοίμωξης από ιό Chikungunya ή Ζika. [Response vector management plan in case of dengue fever, chikungunya or Zika virus infection] |
Hellenic Ministry of Health |
Greece |
2016 |
Summary in English
«Προγράμματα καταπολέμησης των κουνουπιών, σχέδιο δράσης, σχετική ενημέρωση και προφύλαξη του κοινού για το έτος 2020» |
Hellenic Ministry of Health |
Greece |
Προγράμματα καταπολέμησης των κουνουπιών, σχέδιο δράσης, σχετική ενημέρωση και προφύλαξη του κοινού για το έτος 2019. [Mosquito control programme, action plan and relevant public awarness and precaution for 2019] |
Hellenic Ministry of Health |
Greece |
2019 |
Summary in English
Σχέδιο Δράσης για την αντιμετώπιση της Ελονοσίας «ΜΕΡΟΠΗ» [National management plan for malaria] |
Hellenic Ministry of Health |
Greece |
2015 |
Greek |
Módszertani Levele – A Szúnyogok Elleni Védekezésröl [Methodological letter – On the control of mosquitoes] |
Béla Johan National Centre for Epidemiology |
Hungary |
Zöldi V., Erdös G., Szlobodnyit J. & Gálffy G. |
2005 |
Hungarian, Summary in English |
Prevention and management of insecticide resistance in vectors of public health importance |
Insecticide Resistance Action Committee (IRAC) |
International |
IRAC Public Health team |
2011 |
English |
Zanzare e altri insetti: impara a difenderti - Per una strategia integrata di lotta alle zanzare, 2019 - Linee guida per gli operatori dell'Emilia-Romagna. [Integrated mosquito control startegy, 2019 - Guidelines for operators in the Emilia-Romagna region] |
Regione Emilia-Romagna |
Italy/Emilia-Romagna |
Lucarelli A., Soricelli, E., et al. |
2019 |
Italian, Summary in English |
Piano Regionale di Sorveglianza e Controllo delle Arbovirosi - Anno 2019 [Emilia-Romagna regional plan for the surveillance and control of arboviruses] |
Regione Emilia-Romagna |
Italy/Emilia-Romagna |
2019 |
Summary in English
Linee guida per il controllo di Culicidi potenziali vettori di arbovirus in Italia [Guidelines for control of potential arbovirus mosquito vectors in Italy] |
Istituto Superiore di Sanità |
Italy |
Romi R., Toma L., Severini F., Di Luca M., Boccolini D., Ciufolini M. G., Nicoletti L. & G. Majori |
2009 |
Italian |
Piano di Sorveglianza e risposta al virus
della West Nile e Usutu - Regione Lazio - 2019 [Surveillance and response plan for West Nile and Usutu – Lazio Region – 2019] |
Regione Lazio |
Italy |
Ippolito G., Vario F., Ferraro F., et al. |
2019 |
Summary in English
Sorveglianza e controllo delle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento a virus Chikungunya, Dengue e virus Zika - Regione Lazio, 2018 [Surveillance and control of arboviruses transmitted by mosquito (Aedes sp.) in particular chikungunya, dengue and Zika – Lazio Region, 2018] |
Gruppo Regionale Arbovirosi |
Italy |
2018 |
Italian, Summary in English |
Piano nazionale integrato di sorveglianza e risposta ai virus West Nile e Usutu - 2017. [Integrated National Surveillance and Response Plan for West Nile and Usutu viruses - 2017] |
Ministerio della Salute |
Italy |
2018 |
Italian |
Piano Nazionale di sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi trasmesse da zanzare invasive (Aedes sp.) con particolare riferimento ai virus Chikungunya, Dengue e Zika - 2018 |
Ministero della Salute |
Italy |
2018 |
Italian |
Piano nazionale di prevenzione, sorveglianza e risposta alle arbovirosi (PNA) 2020-2025 |
Ministerio della Salute |
Italy |
2019 |
Italian |
Piano per il controllo della zanzara tigre in provencia di Trento |
Provincia Autonoma di Trento |
Italy/Trento |
Manica M., Arnoldi D., Delucchi L. et al. |
2018 |
Italian |
Practical management plan for invasive mosquito species in Europe: I. Asian tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) |
International |
Bellini R, Michaelakis A., Petrić D., Schaffner F. et al. |
2020 |
English, Annex |
Manuel de la gestion intégrée de la lutte antivectorielle. 1-Processus d'implantation. 2- Outils techniques de la lutte antivectorielle. |
Direction de l’Epidémiologie et de Lutte contre les Maladies, Ministère de la Santé |
Morocco |
Comité Technique intersectoriel de la GILAV |
2012 |
(1) , (2)
Vondst exotische mug: Wat nu? [The Finding of an Exotic Mosquito: What to do?] |
Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority, Nederlandse Voedsel- en Warenautoriteit (NVWA) |
Netherlands |
2014 |
Dutch, Summary in English |
Beleid bij exotische steekmuggen in Nederland [Policy on exotic mosquitoes in the Netherlands.] |
Rijksinstituut voor Volks-gezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) |
Netherlands |
Raven C.H.F., Backx A. & Jacobi A.J. |
2013 |
Dutch, Summary in English |
Bestrijding van inheemse muggen in Nederland [The control of native mosquitoes in the Netherlands] |
Rijksinstituut voor Volks-gezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) |
Netherlands |
Braks M.A.H. & Stroo C.J. |
2016 |
Dutch |
Plano nacional de prevenção e controlo de doenças transmitidas por vetores [National Plan for the Prevention and Control of Vector-Borne Diseases] |
Direçao-Geral da Saúde |
Portugal |
2016 |
Portuguese, Summary in English |
Контроль численности кровососущих комаров р. Culex, места выплода которых находятся в населенных пунктах [Control of the abundance of blood-sucking mosquitoes of the genus Culex, of which the breeding sites are located in settlements] |
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing |
Russia |
Ganushkina L., Dremova V., Sergiev V. et al. |
2009 |
Russian, Summary in English |
Мероприятия по борьбе с лихорадкой Западного Нила на территории Российской Федерации [Activities to control West Nile fever in the Russian Federation] |
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing |
Russia |
2010 |
Russian |
Малярийные комары и борьба с ними на территории Российской Федерации [Malaria mosquitoes and their control in the Russian Federation] |
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing |
Russia |
Artemiev M., Baranova A., Ganushkina L. et al. |
2000 |
Russian |
Организация и проведение мероприятий по энтомологическому мониторингу и регуляции численности кровососущих комаров Aedes aegypti и Aedes albopictus [Organising and conducting activities for the entomological monitoring and regulation of the number of blood-sucking mosquitoes Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus] |
Federal Service for Surveillance on Consumer Right Protection and Human Wellbeing |
Russia |
Popova A., Ezhlova E., Demina Yu. et al. |
2016 |
Russian |
Control integral de mosquitos en Huelva. Estudio ecologica de las poblaciones larvarias |
Direccion General de Atencion Primaria y Promocion de la Salud |
Spain/ Andalucia |
López Sánchez S. et al. |
1989 |
Spanish |
Guía uía para la gestión de mosquitos y simúlidos |
Asociación Nacional de Empresas de Sanidad Ambiental (ANECPLA) |
Spain |
Aranda C., Bravo D., Bueno R., et al. |
2018 |
Spanish |
Estratègia per a la prevenció i el control del mosquit tigre a Catalunya |
Comissió Interinstitucional per a la Prevenció i Control del Mosquit Tigre a Catalunya |
Spain/ Catalonia |
2011 |
Catalan |
Protocol per a la vigilància i el control de les arbovirosis importades transmeses per mosquits a Catalunya [Protocol for the surveillance and control of arboviruses transmitted by mosquitoes in Catalonia] |
Agència de Salut Pública de Catalunya (ASPCAT) |
Spain/ Catalonia |
Aranda C., Busquets N., Eritja R., et al. |
2019 |
Catalan, Summary in English |
Plan nacional de preparación y respuesta frente a enfermedades transmitidas por vectores - Parte I: Dengue, Chikungunya y Zika [The Spanish National Plan for Preparation and Response to Diseases Transmitted by Vectors - Part I: Dengue, Chikunguya y Zika] |
Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad |
Spain |
Andradas Aragonés E. et al. |
2016 |
Spanish, Summary in English |
Guidance for surveillance of and response to invasive Aedes mosquitoes and dengue, chikungunya, and Zika in California |
California Department of Public Health |
USA/ California |
2019 |
English |
Guidelines for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus Surveillance and Insecticide Resistance Testing in the United States |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
International |
2016 |
English |
Integrated Mosquito Management for Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes - Zika virus |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
International |
2019 |
English |
Surveillance and Control of Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in the United States |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention |
International |
2017 |
English |
Manual on prevention of establishment and control of mosquitoes of public health importance in the WHO European Region (with special reference to invasive mosquitoes) |
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
Takken W. & H. van den Berg |
2019 |
English |
Regional framework for surveillance and control of invasive mosquito vectors and re-emerging vector-borne diseases 2014–2020 |
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
van den Berg H., Velayudhan
R. & M. Ejov |
2013 |
English, Russian |
Training curriculum on invasive mosquitoes and (re-)emerging vector-borne diseases in the WHO European Region |
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
van den Berg H. & Schaffner F. |
2016 |
English, Russian |
Zika virus - Technical Report |
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
Acosta C. & Pires J. |
2016 |
English |
Comprehensive guidelines for prevention and control of dengue and dengue haemorrhagic fever |
WHO Regional Office for South-East Asia |
International |
2011 |
English |
Dengue: guidelines for diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control |
International |
2009 |
English |
A review of entomological sampling methods and indicators for dengue vectors |
UNICEF/UNDP/WORLD BANK/WHO - Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases (TDR) |
International |
Focks, D.A. |
2003 |
English |
Guidelines for dengue surveillance and mosquito control |
WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific |
International |
2003 |
English |
Public health significance of urban pests |
WHO Regional Office for Europe |
International |
Bonnefoy X., Kampen H. & K. Sweeney |
2008 |
English |
Communication for behavioural impact (COMBI): a toolkit for behavioural and social communication in outbreak response |
International |
2012 |
English, French |
Global vector control response 2017–2030 |
International |
2017 |
Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian |
Handbook for integrated vector management |
International |
2012 |
English |
International health regulations (2005) |
International |
2016 |
Arabic, English, French, Spanish, Russian |
Space spray application of insecticides for vector and public health pest control - A practitioner’s guide |
International |
2003 |
English, Spanish |
Vector surveillance and control at ports, airports, and ground crossings |
International |
2016 |
English, Turkish |
64 |