AIM-COST Video Series
For mosquito management, data and knowledge sharing is critical and the current COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent restriction on meetings and travel presents a barrier to the usual knowledge transfer so critical to controlling invasive mosquito species. Therefore the AIM-COST consortium decided to produce videos as training aids aiming to visualize suggested guidelines for the management of Aedes invasive mosquitoes.
We hope that this material proves a valuable resource for trainers and trainees to enable knowledge sharing and ensure more effective learning.
The AIMCOST team would very much like to get your feedback on the videos – things like whether they deal with the right topics, what others might be useful , and who will use them. We have prepared a brief questionnaire that will take less than 5 minutes to complete. Please follow this link ( to access the questionnaire once you have seen all or some of AIM COST videos. Thank you in advance for your help.
Video 1. “An introduction to an invasive mosquitoes’ life”
Audience: Public health officers, entomologists, and citizens without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.
Main content: What is an “invasive Aedes mosquito” and what the AIM COST does.
Target: To recognise an “invasive Aedes mosquito” and to promote the next 2 videos
Video 2. “Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for ovitrap field management”
Audience: Public health officers, entomologists without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.
Main content: How to do surveillance of Aedes invasive species using ovitraps that attract females which lay their eggs on the provided oviposition supports.
Target: To promote the Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) and how to establish a proper monitoring networking with ovitraps.
Video 3. “Handling Aedes invasive mosquito larval breeding sites to avoid mosquito proliferation”
Audience: Public health officers, entomologists, and citizens without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.
Main content: How to identify and manage common larval breeding sites in public and private areas.
Target: Reducing the breeding sites of invasive Aedes mosquitos in public and private areas
We hope that these videos will be a useful tool for all stakeholders working against Aedes invasive mosquitoes. The three videos are now available with subtitles translated into 28 different languages. With thanks to our international AIM-COST partners!
Download the videos from the table below...
After several virtual meetings during the winter period in 2021 it was decided to prepare thematic videos aiming to describe the suggested management plans against Aedes invasive mosquitoes. Thus, in summer 2021 a Workshop entitled "How to use surveillance tools for an effective control" organised in Athens (Greece, Local Organizers: Antonios Michaelakis) The aim of the workshop was the creation and production of one introductive video for Aedes invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and 2 thematic videos on AIMs surveillance and control.

AIM-COST Working group to produce videos:
Antonios Michaelakis (Mr)
Alessandra della Torre (Ms)
Dušan Petrić (Mr)
Francis Schaffner (Mr)
Filiz Gunay (Ms)
Jolyon Medlock (Mr)
Angeliki Martinou (Ms)
Martina Ferraguti (Ms)
Maria Bourquia (Ms)
Mihaela Kavran (Ms)
Sonia Cebrián Camisón (Ms)