AIM-COST Video Series

For mosquito management, data and knowledge sharing is critical and the current COVID-19 outbreak and the subsequent restriction on meetings and travel presents a barrier to the usual knowledge transfer so critical to controlling invasive mosquito species.   Therefore the AIM-COST consortium decided to produce videos as training aids aiming to visualize suggested guidelines for the management of Aedes invasive mosquitoes.

We hope that this material proves a valuable resource for trainers and trainees to enable knowledge sharing and ensure more effective learning.

The AIMCOST team would very much like to get your feedback on the videos –  things like whether they deal with the right topics,  what others might be useful ,  and who will use them.  We have prepared a brief questionnaire that will take less than 5 minutes to complete.  Please follow this link ( to access the questionnaire once you have seen all or some of AIM COST videos.  Thank you in advance for your help.

Video 1. “An introduction to an invasive mosquitoes’ life”

Audience: Public health officers, entomologists, and citizens without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.

Main content: What is an “invasive Aedes mosquito” and what the AIM COST does.

Target: To recognise an “invasive Aedes mosquito” and to promote the next 2 videos

Video 2. “Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) for ovitrap field management

Audience: Public health officers, entomologists without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.

Main content: How to do surveillance of Aedes invasive species using ovitraps that attract females which lay their eggs on the provided oviposition supports.

Target: To promote the Standard Operational Procedures (SOPs) and how to establish a proper monitoring networking with ovitraps.

Video 3. “Handling Aedes invasive mosquito larval breeding sites to avoid mosquito proliferation”

Audience: Public health officers, entomologists, and citizens without experience with Aedes Invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and their activity.

Main content: How to identify and manage common larval breeding sites in public and private areas.

Target: Reducing the breeding sites of invasive Aedes mosquitos in public and private areas

We hope that these videos will be a useful tool for all stakeholders working against Aedes invasive mosquitoes.  The three videos are now available with subtitles translated into 28 different languages.  With thanks to our international AIM-COST partners!

Download the videos from the table below...

Languages (Subtitles) 

Title- Video 1 

Title- Video 2 

Title- Video 3 

English - No Subtitles
An introduction to an invasive mosquitoes’ life  Standard Operational Procedures for ovitraps field management  Handling Aedes invasive mosquito larval breeding sites to avoid mosquito proliferation 


An introduction to an invasive mosquitoes’ life 

Standard Operational Procedures for ovitraps field management 

Handling Aedes invasive mosquito larval breeding sites to avoid mosquito proliferation 



Paraqitja e ciklit të jetës së mushkonjave invazive 

Procedurat Standarde të Punës për menaxhimin e kurtheve “ovi”në terren 

Trajtimi i vendeve të rritjes së larvave të mushkonjave invasive Aedes për të shmangur shumimin e mushkonjave   




مقدمة عن حياة البعوض الغازي 

إجراءات التشغيل القياسية للإدارة الميدانية Ovitraps 

التعامل مع مواقع تكاثر يرقات البعوض الغازي الزاعج لتجنب انتشاره   



Šta su i kako žive invazivni komarci 

Standardna procedura za potrebu ovipozicionih klopki za sakuplјanje jaja invazivnih komaraca roda Aedes 

Uklanjanje izvorišta invazivnih komaraca roda Aedes u cilјu sprečavanja njihovog razvoja 



Въведение в живота на инвазивните комари 

Стандартни оперативни процедури за управление на капани за снясяне на яйца в полеви условия 

Управление на ларвните биотопи на инвазивните комари от род Aedes, за да се избегне размножаването на комари 



Uvod u život invazivnih vrsta komaraca 

Standardni operativni postupci za rukovanje ovipozicijskim klopkama na terenu 

Postupanje s leglima invazivnih Aedes komaraca radi sprječavanja povećanja broja komaraca 



Život invazních komárů 

Standardní postupy pro využití pastí v terénu 

Manipulace s líhništi invazních druhů komárů rodu Aedes, aby se zabránilo jejich šíření 



En introduktion til hvordan invasive myg lever 

Standard procedurer for håndtering af æglægningsfælder til myg 

Hvordan man håndterer invasive Aedes mygs ynglesteder og undgår spredning af myggene 



Een introductie in het leven van een invasieve steekmug 

Standaard Uitvoerprocedures voor ovitraps management in het veld   

Het behandelen van broedplaatsen van invasieve Aedes-muggen om vestiging te voorkomen 



Introduction à la vie des moustiques invasifs 

Procédures Opérationnelles Standard pour la gestion des pièges à œufs (ovitraps) sur le terrain 

Traitement des gites de production des moustiques Aedes invasifs pour éviter leur prolifération 



ინვაზიური კოღოების სასიცოცხლო ციკლი - შესავალი 

სტანდარტული ოპერაციული პროცედურები ოვიტრაპების ველზე მართვისათვის 

ინვაზიური კოღო Aedes-ის ლარვის გამრავლების ადგილების დამუშავება, კოღოების გავრცელების შესაჩერებლად 



Eine Einführung in das Leben einer invasiven Stechmücke 

Standardverfahren für das Management von Eiablagefallen im Gelände 

Management von Larvalbrutstätten invasiver Aedes-Mücken, um die Ausbreitung der Mücken zu verhindern 



Εισαγωγή στη ζωή ενός χωροκατακτητικού κουνουπιού 

Ενδεδειγμένες πρότυπες διαδικασίες διαχείρισης των παγίδων ωοθεσίας στο πεδίο   

Διαχείριση εστιών αναπαραγωγής χωροκατακτητικών κουνουπιών Aedes για την αποφυγή παραγωγής κουνουπιών 




מבוא למחזור החיים של יתושי אדס פולשים 

כללים לתפעול בשטח של מלכודות הטלה 

טיפול בבתי הגידול של זחלי יתושי האדס הפולשים כדי למנוע שגשוג של היתושים 



Bevezetés az invazív szúnyogok életébe 

Standard eljárások a tojáscsapdák (ovitraps) használatához 

Az Aedes invazív szúnyogok szaporodó helyeinek kezelése a szúnyogok elszaporodásának megelőzése érdekében 



Un'introduzione alla vita di una zanzara invasiva 

Procedure operative standard per la gestione del campo con le ovitrappole 

Gestire i siti di riproduzione delle larve di zanzare invasive Aedes per evitarne la proliferazione 



Вовед во животот на инвазивните комарци 

Стандардни оперативни процедури за управување со овитраповите на терен 

Управување со живеалиштата на ларвите на комарците од Aedes за да се избегне размножување на комарците 



Šta su i kako žive invazivni komarci 

Standardne procedure za rad sa klopkama za ovipoziciju (polaganje jaja) 

Širenje invazivnih vrsta komaraca roda Aedes se može izbjeći pravilnim upravljanjem sa mjestima na kojima se oni razvijaju 



Introdução à vida de um mosquito invasor 

Procedimentos operacionais padrão para gestão de armadilhas de ovos no campo   

Manuseamento de criadouros de larvas de mosquitos invasores Aedes para evitar a proliferação de mosquitos 



Introducere în viața unui țânțar invaziv 

Procedurile operaționale standard pentru gestionarea capcanelor tip ovitrap în teren 

Gestionarea locurilor de reproducere a ţânţarilor invazivi din genul Aedes, pentru a evita proliferarea lor 



Введение в жизнь инвазивных комаров 

Стандартные операционные процедуры для полевого управления ловушками “ovitrap”   

Обработка личиночных мест размножения инвазивных комаров Aedes для избежания распространения комаров 


Штa су и кaкo живe инвaзивни кoмaрци 

Стaндaрднa прoцeдурa зa упoтрeбу oвипoзициoних клoпки зa сaкупљaњe jaja инвaзивних кoмaрцa рoдa Aedes 

Уклaњaњe извoриштa инвaзивних кoмaрaцa рoдa Aedes у циљу спрeчaвaњa њихoвoг рaзвoja 



Život inváznych komárov 

Štandardný postup pre terénny odchyt ovitrapmi 

Manipulácia s liahniskami inváznych komárov Aedes pre zabránenie ich rozmnožovania 



Uvod v življenje invazivnih komarjev 

Standarne metode upravljanja pasti za štetje jajčec 

Pomen odstranjevanja mest za razvoj ličink za preprečevanje razvoja komarjev 



Una introducción a la vida de un mosquito invasor 

Procedimientos estandarizados para el uso de trampas de oviposición en el campo 

Manejo de lugares de cría de larvas para evitar la proliferación de mosquitos Aedes invasores 



En introduktion till en invasiv myggas liv 

Standardrutiner för skötsel av äggfällor 

Hantering av yngellokaler för invasiva Aedes-arter för att undvika förökning av myggor 



Bir İstilacı Sivrisinek Türünün Yaşamına Giriş 

Ovitrap saha yönetimi için Standart Operasyonel Prosedürler 

Sivrisinek çoğalmasını önlemek için istilacı Aedes larva üreme alanlarının ele alınması 



Знайомство з життям інвазивних комарів 

Стандартні експлуаційні процедури поводження з пастками Оvitrap в польових умовах 

Як поводитись з місцями розмноження личинок інвазійних комарів Aedes, щоб уникнути поширення комарів 

After several virtual meetings during the winter period in 2021 it was decided to prepare thematic videos aiming to describe the suggested management plans against Aedes invasive mosquitoes. Thus, in summer 2021 a Workshop entitled "How to use surveillance tools for an effective control" organised in Athens (Greece, Local Organizers: Antonios Michaelakis) The aim of the workshop was the creation and production of one introductive video for Aedes invasive mosquitoes (AIM) and 2 thematic videos on AIMs surveillance and control. 

AIM-COST Video Production team

AIM-COST Working group to produce videos:

Antonios Michaelakis (Mr)

Alessandra della Torre (Ms)

Dušan Petrić (Mr)

Francis Schaffner (Mr)

Filiz Gunay (Ms)

Jolyon Medlock (Mr)

Angeliki Martinou (Ms)

Martina Ferraguti (Ms)

Maria Bourquia (Ms)

Mihaela Kavran (Ms)

Sonia Cebrián Camisón (Ms)