Workshop Blanes March 2019
Meeting Title: Aedes Invasive Mosquitoes: Linking Citizen Science to Epidemiological Models
Type: Workshops/Conferences
Location: Center For Advanced Studies Of Blanes, C/ D'accés A La Cala St. Francesc, 14 Blanes , Blanes, ES
Start: 2019/03/25
End: 2019/03/27
More infos here – and link to:
Aedes Invasive Mosquitoes:
Linking Citizen Science to Epidemiological Models
Frederic Bartumeus (Local Host, CSIC Spain)
Sander Koenraadt (WU, The Netherlands)
Beniamino Caputo (U. Sapienza, Italy)
Local Team / Co-organisers:
John Palmer, Roger Eritja, David Alonso, Santi Escartin
INTRODUCTION: Invasive mosquito data collection systems are moving from traditional surveillance, with oviposition and adult traps (e.g. ovitraps, BG-sentinels, sticky traps), and socio-ecological surveys, to massively networked citizen science by means of internet and smartphones. This opens a new opportunity to collect mosquito data in new ways and at an unprecedented level of detail, both in time and space. One critical aspect of citizen science programs is the so-called fitness for use, that is, the fine-tuning of data types, quality, and sampling strategies to address specific research and management purposes. Another challenge is exploit at best digitized information by aggregating large amounts of data from different sources and projects, each one with their own data characteristics (data acquisition methods, accuracy, etc).
Whether they involve minimal training and target a large population of potential volunteers, or require the acquisition of new skills and their application to a specific community and site of intervention, these and similar experiences suggest that innovations in citizen science can effectively enhance mosquito surveillance and, in the process, globalize datasets and create new channels of communication between experts and citizen in affected areas. However, what about the “science” these kind of data can provide? Can we improve models and predictions with citizen science data collection? How do we need to work out data quality, accuracy, and biases? Is it possible to combine authoritative and citizen mosquito-related datasets? How?
OBJECTIVES: The main purpose of this workshop is to identify the challenges of establishing direct links between citizen science data collection programs and epidemiological modelling, with particular emphasis in risk map development and outbreak forecasting. To do so, we will: (i) discuss and revise current data collection systems, both traditional and citizen science, (ii) illustrate potential biases in both systems and potential ways to combine different data types for research (e.g. data calibration, quality assessments, model validations), and (iii) introduce fundamental aspects of epidemiological models in order to discuss data collection “fitness for use” to epidemiological modelling.
- Organizers will produce an opinion/review work, with explicit acknowledgement to COST ACTION funds and participants, with the outputs of this discussion to guide future and current citizen science programs towards more effective data collecting strategies for scientific modelling purposes.
- We will also produce an open document with the main conclusions of our meeting. The document will be shared among all the AIM COST ACTION participants, and will be outreached in different web platforms of interest (e.g. ECSA, ECDC, COST ACTION).

Monday 25th March |
Tuesday 26th March |
Wednesday 27th March |
Data Collection Types and Strategies |
Linking Data to Epidemiological Models |
Interoperability and Calibration |
9:30-10:30 |
Attendants' Brief Introduction |
Short Talks |
Interoperability and Calibration |
10:30-11:15 |
Topic Introduction |
Sampling Bias: scales and strategies |
Short Talks |
11:15-11:45 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
11:45-12:45 |
EU CitSci Programs |
Statistical Modelling (MaxENT, RF, spatial regression) |
Funding & Future Opportunities |
12:45-13:15 |
ECDC and Country-level Authorized Data |
Mechanistic Modelling (SEIR, Ross-MacDonald) |
Synthesis |
13:30-14:45 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
15:00-16:30 |
Data Types, Goals and Biases (Discussion) |
Linking CitSci to Epidemiological Models (Discussion) |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
17:00-18:00 |
Synthesis |
Synthesis |
1 |
David Alonso | |
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC), Spain |
2 |
Frederic Bartumeus | |
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC) & CREAF, Spain |
3 |
Martin Brocklehurst |
martin.brocklehurst |
ECSA.Global Mosquito Alert Consortium |
4 |
Beniamino Caputo | |
U. Sapienza, Italy |
5 |
Francisco Collantes | |
Universidad de Murcia, Spain |
6 |
Sarah Delacour | |
U. Zaragoza, Spain |
7 |
Kamil Erguler | |
The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus |
8 |
Roger Eritja | |
CREAF, Spain |
9 |
Santi Escartin | |
Associació Mediambiental Xatrac, Spain |
10 |
Beatriz Fernández | |
Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Spain |
11 |
Martina Ferraguti | |
Estación Biológica Doñana (CSIC), Spain |
12 |
Jordi Figuerola | |
Estación Biológica Doñana (CSIC), Spain |
13 |
Federico Filiponi | |
Independent Scientist |
14 |
Rafael Gutiérrez López | |
Estación Biológica Doñana (CSIC), Spain |
15 |
Hidde Hofhuis | |
Wageningen University (WUR), The Netherlands |
16 |
Frederic Jourdain | |
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), France |
17 |
Helge Kampen | |
Federal Research Institute for Animal Health, Germany |
18 |
Mattia Manica | |
Fondazione Edmund Mach. Centro Ricerca e Innovatione, Italy |
19 |
Miguel A. Miranda | |
U.Illes Balears (Mallorca), Spain |
20 |
Aitana Oltra | |
Centre d'Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CSIC), Spain |
21 |
John RB Palmer | |
U.Pompeu Fabra, Spain |
22 |
Nadja Pernat | |
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany |
23 |
Christian Ries | |
Musée national d'histoire naturelle (MNHN), Luxembourg |
24 |
Ignacio Ruiz | |
CIBIR, Spain |
25 |
Francis Schaffner | |
AVIA GIS. Consultancy, France |
26 |
Maria Jose Sierra | |
Centro Coordinación Alertas y Emergencias Sanitarias, Spain |
27 |
Frederic Simard | |
Institut de recherche pour le développement (IRD), France |
28 |
Carla Sousa | |
Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical (IHMT), Portugal |
29 |
Sandra Talavera | |
IRTA-CReSA, Spain |
30 |
Doreen Walther | |
Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research, Germany |
The workshop will be held at the Center for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB), which belongs to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). For further information on the general research activity at the Center check the CEAB web page.