Frederic Bartumeus

Frederic BartumeusFrederic Bartumeus

Centre d’Estudis Avançats de Blanes (CEAB-CSIC)

Centre de Recerca Ecològica i Aplicacions Forestals (CREAF)


Role and main activities in AIMCOST


  1. Deputy Management Committee Member
  2. Task Leader (Task 1.1b of WG1)

WG1: Monitoring and Surveillance

Task 1: Review, optimization and ToK of AIM monitoring & surveillance.

Task 1.1b: Promotion of citizen science based approaches of AIM monitoring and surveillance


Short Bio:


Frederic Bartumeus is an ICREA Research Professor in Computational and Theoretical Ecology at the Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC) since November 2013. He also holds the same status at CREAF since 2016. He holds a MSc in Plankton Ecology (1997), and a PhD in Biological Sciences (2005) from the University of Barcelona, Spain, where he applied random walk and generalized diffusion theory to develop animal search theory. He joined the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton University, USA (2006-2009), where he went in depth on the stochastic modeling of animal movement and dispersal. Back to Spain, he completed his postdoctoral research on vector-borne diseases at the Institut Català del Clima (IC3). With a Ramón y Cajal position (2010) he founded his own lab, the Movement Ecology Labortaory, focused on animal movement (including humans) and search strategies, disease vectors, and computational ecology. Currently, he co-leads the Theoretical and Computational Ecology Group at CEAB-CSIC.



Five recent and relevant publications

  1. Palmer JRB, Brocklehurst M, Tyson E, Bowser A, Pauwels E, Bartumeus F (2018). Global Mosquito Alert. Chapter 15, pp. 210-215. In: Citizen Science: Innovation in open science, society and policy. Eds. Susanne Hecker, Muki Haklay, Anne Browser, Zen Makuch, Johannes Vogel, and Aletta Bonn. UCL Press, London.


  1. Palmer JRB, Oltra A, Bartumeus F 2018. Citizen Science: A Gateway for Innovation in Disease-Carrying Mosquito Management? Trends in Parasitology 34(9):727-729.



  1. Palmer JRB, Oltra A, Collantes F, Delgado JA, Lucientes J, Delacour S, Bengoa M, Eritja R, Bartumeus F 2017. Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes Nat Comms 8:916.


  1. Eritja R, Palmer JRB, Roiz D, Sanpera-Calbet I, Bartumeus F 2017. Direct Evidence of Aedes albopictus Dispersal by Car. Scientific Reports 7:14399.


  1. Kampen H, Medlock JM, Vaux AGC, Koenraadt CJM, van Vliet AJH, Bartumeus F, Oltra A, Sousa CA, Chouin S, Werner D. 2015 Approaches to passive mosquito surveillance in the EU. Parasites & Vectors 8:9.